In 2016, upon realizing my hometown, Commerce City, didn’t have a Chamber of Commerce, I set out to fix it. I launched the Commerce City Chamber of Commerce by signing up 100 businesses in 100 days.
With the Chamber firmly established, I decided to move forward on a grander scale. On June 30, 2019 I quit my day job to launch 20/20 Growth Conferences to pursue two of my biggest passions – innovation and good effective governance.
All my life I’ve been obsessed with making the world a better place. But “Change Agent” wasn’t available as a major at Virginia Tech in the late ’80’s! With 20/20 Growth Conferences, I create a platform for all of us interested in the future to participate in its design.
I’ve lived on Commerce City’s north range for 10 years and counting, where my wife and I are raising four incredible children ages 19, 16, 14 and 10.
Some of my other notable accomplishments – so far:
- Currently serve as a Director on the South Adams County Water & Sanitation District Board, overseeing a $500M enterprise serving clean drinking water to 55,000 of my neighbors on a $32M a year budget.
- Wrote Building Something From Nothing to serve as a DIY guide for others looking to start their own company, a member association, or some other type of organization. The manuscript is available for free to help those struggling through the pandemic.
- Currently serve on the Board of Directors for the Adams 14 Education Foundation, and the Commerce City Rotary Club.
- Tweeted out the entire essay “Law of Compensation” by Ralph Waldo Emerson @EmersonsLaw. Start at the “bottom” with the first tweet to read the essay in order, or just scroll through to find a great nugget of Emerson’s wisdom to share with the world.
- Built an on-line course titled How To Start A Chamber.
- Wrote Confessions of a Mutual Fund Salesman in the midst of an 8 year career in Financial Services.
- Launched 20/20 Growth Conferences July 1, 2019 to create a platform for thought leaders and other entrepreneurs and innovators to work with and guide public policy officials tasked with maintaining public safety.
- Produced the Cannabis Public Policy Conference on March 5-6, 2020.
Follow me on-line:
Twitter: @capsfan100
The Blog I Maintain On This Site:
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