Day 1 – March 16, 2020 Decided late last night to run a virtual conference on COVID-19, see if I can’t lend my skills to somehow assist in the effort to win this war. I got some great advice – it needs focus, like vaccine innovation or The Road Ahead – What The New Normal Will Look Like. There was also a suggestion to keep it Colorado focused. Was advised that any topic will be moving a target because EVERYTHING with this virus is a moving target.
Day 2 – March 17, 2020 – 29 days out from the virtual conference. I’m concerned about pestering people on the front lines of this war, but they are the obvious “panelists.” Assuming, of course, it had a focus, which it doesn’t. Any feedback from the public is welcome. How do you see a virtual conference helping? Who do you want to hear from? If this becomes more of an educational webinar, what topics and experts are recommended?
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