According to recent sales data, marijuana continues to be popular among the public. You probably didn’t need an in-depth analysis to know that!

Specifically, and most interestingly:
Flower sales were up 30% year over year. Interestingly, concentrates were up 45% over the same period (July ’18 vs July ’19) in the same market, Nevada.

Wax had the biggest YOY growth at 88%, although it’s $1.1M in monthly sales didn’t even register as 2% of the overall market in July in Nevada.

Vape was up 48% YOY, but this is July data. The news cycles since have pounded the vaping industry, and a recent conversation with a vape supplier indicated that, not surprisingly, vaping sales are down of late.

The biggest takeaway: While flower sales continue to blossom, concentrates growth is even higher. Leave your own bad puns below!

(Thanks to BDS Analytics for sharing some of their professional grade data!)

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