Looking to jump into the rapidly growing marijuana industry, what’s sometimes called The Green Rush? Here’s a few pointers:
1 Use industry specific boards like LeafWire: https://jobs.leafwire.com/ Here in Colorado, the Colorado Badged Network on Facebook is vibrant and giving community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/347037029120316/
2 The badge refers to the badge all Colorado cannabis employees must wear when at a dispensary, a grow, or a MIP. (A MIP is a facility making “Marijuana Infused Products.”) Every state will have different rules, here in Colorado visit https://colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/DR%208517e%20Occupational%20Appl%201102016.pdf
3 Start networking. You’ve probably heard most people find their work from someone they know, not what they know? Cannabis is the same. Cultivated Synergy runs a great Meetup open to industry players https://www.meetup.com/Cannabis-Hemp-Leads-Group/events/kflnlqybccbtb/. Even better – Cultivated is a co-working space with a cannabis focus and roughly 100 cannabis companies in their community.
4 Be reliable. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but if you just tell a prospective employer you’re reliable, that will be a huge plus. Across the industry here in Colorado, employers are having a hard time finding good employees who will show up to work. This is such a low bar to clear!
5 Be honest. You might say “Some day I want to try my hand with my own business, but if you’ll teach me what you know, I’ll give you two years of honest, reliable hard work.” I think a number of cannabis companies would take someone up on that offer.
6 Emphasize any customer service work you’ve ever done if you’re looking at dispensaries. If you’ve done any gardening, tell that to the growers.
The cannabis industry is in bloom. If you’re in a career transition and have a passion for weed, take a look at The Green Rush!
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