Seeking A Female Of Color For Tech Co-Founder

My name is Michael Scanlon, and my company, 20/20 Growth Conferences, is re-inventing conferences.   I have a vision for next generation virtual conferences. My conference community needs me to fulfill this vision so they can continue to grow. I am obsessed with...

Celebrate Earth this Earth Day!

I'm fond of saying "Good planets are hard to find." For years, I've agonized over our lands, our oceans, our climate. I sincerely hope the New Normal - the first time global attitudes all changed at once for a common purpose - will usher in a new spirit of "we're all...

My New Book Is Available For Free

I'm excited to announce the pre-published availability of my new book Building Something From Nothing. I've been working on Building Something From Nothing - How I’ve Built Organizations With No Money And How You Can Do It Too for about 8 months or so, and it took on...

What Did You Think Of Our First Conference?

Wow. As I sit down to gather my thoughts for the first time since the whirlwind of the last two days, I keep thinking – wow! Wow, what an amazing turnout and level of participation for the first-ever 20/20 Growth Conference! We hosted 18 sessions and one fireside...

Niche Down To Grow Sales

Here's Chapter Four from my upcoming book Building Something From Nothing - How I've Built Organizations From Nothing With No Money, And How You Can Do It Too: 4   Niche Down - The Smaller The Market, The Better The first time I heard this, I thought it was stupid. I...

Call For Vaping Panelists

Greg Conley of the American Vaping Association will come to Denver to lead a panel discussion on VAPI at the Cannabis Public Policy Conference on March 5th & 6th. At 20/20 Growth, we push everyone to look beyond talk. We seek action steps and results from all our...

Call For Panelists At The Social Equity Session

Today we pause to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, truly one of America's greatest ever. Dr. King put his life on the line for freedom, equality and justice. He demanded the respect and dignity he so richly deserved. And though I personally aspire for a truly equal...

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